10 Parenting Goals for New Age Parents

Welcome to a year filled with hope, growth, and the promise of making lasting memories with our precious ones.
Each year is a chance to learn, adapt, and grow together as a family, and I am thrilled to be part of this incredible journey with you as you set new goals for this year ahead.
I am here to support you in making your parenting goals not only realistic but also achievable.

Together, we can make 2024 a year of growth, joy, and unforgettable moments with our children.
Parenting is a beautiful yet challenging journey, and as we set new goals for the year ahead, let’s do so with optimism and a commitment to creating a nurturing environment for our children.

Parenting goals for new age parents

10 Parenting goals that every New Age Parent should have

  1. I will spend more Quality Time with my kid
  2. I will set a Gadget Free Routine for my family
  3. I will help my kid to improve Control, Consciousness & Concentration
  4. I will engage my kid in Physical Activities
  5. I will establish Healthy Eating Habits for my family
  6. I will raise a Confident, Leading & Independent kid
  7. I will choose Positive and Encouraging Communication
  8. I will Encourage my kid to Write
  9. I will Inculcate Faith in my kid
  10. I will help my kid with Positive Affirmations & Gratitude Journal

Parenting Goals Simplified

1.Quality Time

What : There is no need to take out hours to spend quality time with your kid. Quality time is the time that you spend with your kid in a focussed and meaningful way. You pay attention to your kid, have genuine interaction and share experiences with each other. It’s not just about the quantity of time spent together but the depth and significance of the connection during that time.

Why : Spending quality time with your child helps you build strong bond with your kid, bridges the communication gap between you and your kid. It boosts self-esteem of your child and helps with cognitive development of your child. Spending quality time together builds trust in each other and creates lasting memories.

How : Spending quality time with your child doesn’t always require elaborate plans or activities. It’s about being present, engaged, and creating meaningful connections. 

  1. Have One on one conversation – sharing about each other’s day or any event from the day
  2. Dance randomly anytime of the day
  3. Go on a walk – be it a morning walk or an evening stroll
  4. Garden together – could be an everyday activity as in growing plant from a seed, noting progress every day, watering it and other plants, reading about the right condition for growth
  5. Read together – can be done before bedtime or in the evening
  6. Play any board game like ludo, quick puzzle or any card game like Uno during evening or after dinner
  7. Do a DIY project together – can be school project, décor item for home/room, big puzzle
  8. Involve them in day to day chores – like setting table, planning the food/tiffin menu, stacking utensils etc.
  9. Cook together – can be done weekly also like on weekends – chopping cutting, baking together depending on your time and patience
  10. Have meals together – Have at least one meal together, daily. Breakfast, lunch or dinner whatever suits your routine
  11. Take a class together – learn a new language or art form
  12. Unstructured play: Pillow fight, racing, hopscotch, origami, dumb charades, stone paper scissors, tic-tac-toe, Antakshari, Simon says or freeze game
  13. Plan for nights like – Game nights, picnic days, movie night (at home) etc.
  14. Create a storytelling/ story building session : spin-a-yarn

The key is to be present, actively listen, and enjoy the moment together. Quality time doesn’t have to be extravagant; it’s the connection and shared experiences that matter most.

2. Gadget Free Routine

Excessive use of gadgets and screen time can have various impacts on the developing brains of children.

Impact of Screens on Kids

While technology can offer educational benefits and entertainment, it’s crucial for parents to be aware of the potential negative effects like :

  • Delayed Cognitive Development
  • Eye strain & Sleep Disruption
  • Behavioural Issues
  • Impact on Academic Performance
  • Impaired Social skills
  • Increased Risk of Obesity
  • Impact on Brain Structure
  • Addition, Dependency and many more

Technology can be a valuable tool, moderation and thoughtful guidance are key. You should establish healthy screen time limits, encourage a balance between online and offline activities, and provide a variety of experiences to support the well-rounded development of their children.

  1. Set clear and consistent rules regarding when and how
    long your child can use electronic devices. Clearly communicate these
    guidelines, so your child understands the expectations.
  2. Take advantage of parental control features available on
    devices, apps, and online platforms.
  3. Establish specific times when gadgets are allowed , such as after homework or chores are completed.
  4. Regularly review the content your child is accessing
    online and through apps.
  5. Link screen time to positive behaviour or completion of
    chores and homework. This reinforces the idea that screen time is earned
    and helps establish a sense of responsibility.
  6. Create Tech-Free Zones like
    dining table or bedrooms. Create an environment that encourages face-to-face interaction and other non-screen activities.
  7. Create quite time corner with non-screen activities, books, toys etc.
  8. Create daily rituals that do not involve gadgets, such as bedtime stories, family walks, or game nights.
  9. Educate about Screen Time effects and encourage discussions about responsible gadget use and its impact.
  10. Model healthy gadget usage by limiting your own screen time

Agree to Gadget free time as a family by discussing and setting clear boundaries and rules for everyone in the family, including adults.

  1. No gadget in the morning after waking up
  2. No gadgets on the food table
  3. Setting screen free time (30min/60min) in the evening
  4. No gadgets in the bedroom
  5. Put your gadget down when sometime is trying to have a conversation
  6. Set screen time for kids (according to age) and also for adults
  7. Put timer in phone for screentime limit as per apps. Instagram also allows to do it as in inbuilt feature

The goal is to strike a balance that supports healthy development while acknowledging the role of technology in their lives.

3. Control, Consciousness & Concentration

Self-control allows your kid to manage his thoughts, actions, and emotions so they can get things done.
Getting in touch with his inner self makes your kid more conscious about their decisions.
Concentration is a crucial skill for children to develop, and it plays a significant role in their overall cognitive, social, and emotional development.

  1. Children who can focus and sustain attention are more likely to succeed in academic tasks, including reading, writing, and problem-solving.
  2. When children can focus on a task or information, they are more likely to retain and recall it later thus enhancing memory.
  3. Concentration allows children to analyze and understand problems more effectively.
  4. When children can concentrate, they are better able to engage in imaginative and creative activities.
  5. Concentration helps children develop self-control and discipline. It allows them to resist distractions and manage their impulses.
  6. Children who can concentrate are less likely to feel overwhelmed by tasks. They can approach challenges with a calmer mindset, reducing stress and anxiety associated with academic or social pressures.
  1. Create a consistent daily routine. Knowing what to expect can help the mind focus on the task at hand.
  2. Use Pomodoro Technique where you break your work into intervals to keep the focus
  3. Limit Multitasking. Focus on one task at a time for better results.
  4. Create a quiet and organized environment for better focus
  5. Play sorting and matching games
  6. Solve puzzles like sudoku and play word building games
  7. Ensure that your kid get adequate sleep according to their age
  8. Regular exercise has been shown to improve concentration and cognitive function.
  9. Practice meditation (as per age) & breathing exercises to train the mind to focus
  10. Help your kid to name the emotions and how to express them like angry, sad, fear, happy, excited etc.

Parents play a crucial role in nurturing and supporting children in developing concentration. Providing a conducive environment, minimizing distractions, and incorporating engaging and age-appropriate activities can contribute to the cultivation of this important skill in children.

It’s important to remember that improving concentration is a gradual process, and different strategies work for different people.

4. Physical Activities

Physical activity plays a crucial role in brain development, particularly in children.
Exercise improves blood flow, leading to increased oxygen and nutrient delivery to the brain.
Engaging kids in physical activities is essential for their overall well-being, development, and enjoyment.
There are multiple ways you can engage your kids in the physical activities – indoor as well as outdoor.

  1. Turn up the music and have spontaneous dance parties at home. Dancing is a fun way to get kids moving and improve coordination.
  2. Encourage outdoor play in parks, playgrounds, or your backyard. Outdoor environments provide more space for running, jumping, and exploring.
  3. Provide toys that encourage movement, such as balls, jump ropes, hula hoops, and frisbees.
  4. Enrol them in sports in school or post school according to their interest. These could include soccer, gymnastics, martial arts, or dance classes.
  5. Create fun fitness challenges such as who can do the most jumping jacks, push ups or sit ups
  6. Cleaning own cycle, making bed, cleaning 1 shelf of the book rack, polishing shoes,filling own water bottle etc.
  7. Make physical activities a family affair. Go for walks, bike rides, or play sports together.
  8. Plan picnics, treasure hunts, or nature scavenger hunts to make outdoor play more engaging.
  9. Zumba/Yoga/Karate/Exercise in the morning or evening

5. Healthy Eating Habits

Developing healthy eating habits is essential for maintaining overall well-being and preventing various health issues.
It’s important to focus on nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods while enjoying a varied and balanced diet.

Healthy eating habits is a gradual process and small, sustainable changes over time are more likely to lead to long-term success.

  1. Ensure breakfast is must
  2. Add atleast one fruit a day in diet
  3. Have a colorful plate (including different veggies, salads, daal, rice, roti, condiments like papad/chutney to the meal)
  4. Add nuts and calcium products (milk/curd) to diet
  5. Ensure water intake is adequate as per age
  6. Say no to packaged food, especially at home
  7. Minimize the intake of processed and highly refined foods
  8. Try less take out/order in
  9. Read the labels while buying the products
  10. Responsive feeding – avoid force feeding and distraction feeding for younger kids
  11. Limit sugar intake via candies/chocolates/desserts – switch to healthier options like dry fruit laddos etc.
  12. Do not use desserts/icecreams as rewards for finishing food/chores
  13. Avoid screentime during mealtime and avoid other distractions too
  14. Eat together as a family – atleast one meal a day – even with younger kids
  15. Involve kids in grocery shopping and choosing the vegetables.
  16. Control Binge eating. Eat in smaller intervals
  17. Choose healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, nuts, or yogurt.
  18. Discuss nutritional value of what you are eating that way they are aware of what they are consuming.
  19. Help your kid identify healty & unhealthy (Junk) food.
  20. Plan your meals in advance to ensure a well-balanced diet and avoid impulsive, unhealthy food choices.

6. Raising Confident, Leading & Independent Kids

Fostering confidence, leadership skills, and independence in children is a multifaceted process that involves a combination of supportive parenting, positive role modeling, and encouraging various life experiences.

  1. Encourage them to believe in their abilities and strengths.
  2. Celebrate both small and significant achievements.
  3. Teach children that setbacks and failures are part of life.
  4. Demonstrate confidence in your own abilities.
  5. Offer opportunities for leadership, such as leading a group project, organizing an event, or taking charge of a task.
  6. Emphasize the importance of teamwork.
  7. Encourage problem solving
  8. Foster empathy & compassion
  9. Teach effective communication
  10. Introduce children to positive role models who demonstrate leadership qualities. 
  1. Right to first attempt should be with kids
  2. Help them to do things of their own instead of doing things for them.
  3. Encourage them to do their daily chores on their own like eating/putting away plate/cleaning up after activities/putting away toys/wearing footwear/dressing up etc.
  4. Do follow the leader activity where kid will lead and you need to follow – could be game/activity
  5. Include them in common discussions/decisions as per age like planning menu, deciding home décor, choosing gift for friends or relatives etc.
  6. Let them choose their outfits
  7. Let them decide their meal portions as per their hunger
  8.  Avoid speaking on their behalf. Let your kid express themselves
  9. Allow them to take on responsibilities
  10. Encourage curiosity and a love for learning.
  11. Use activity board to help them track their day to day chores
  12. Use Reward board to reward them for their good deeds
  13. Teach them about the importance of effort over winning.

Remember that every child is unique, and the pace at which they develop confidence, leadership skills, and independence may vary. Consistent support, positive reinforcement, and a nurturing environment contribute to the holistic development of your child.

7. Positive & Encouraging Communication

Bridging gaps between you and your kid through positive communication. It helps in building understanding, fostering connections, and resolving conflicts.

Positive communication is an ongoing process that requires patience, active effort, and a genuine commitment to understanding one another.

  1. Listen actively to them and acknowledge
  2. Don’t interrupt them when they are talking
  3. Use polite tone
  4. Use the magic words – Please, Thank you and Sorry even when talking to adults in home
  5. Respect your kid and their decisions
  6. Rephrase your questions into statements
  7. Avoiding using No directly – rephrase it to what they can do instead like instead of Don’t run, use please walk
  8. Be crisp and clear in your instructions to your kids
  9. Make an eye contact and physical touch (if possible) while talking to your kids and giving them instruction
  10. Have one to one conversation with your kid where you share more and ask less.
  11. Avoid blame game
  12. Compliment more
  13. Avoid calling out names
  14. Avoid labelling them
  15. Empathise with your kid
  16. Share your daily experiences with them that will help them share their day with you
  17. Model positive communication style as a parent.

By incorporating right strategies, you can contribute to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation, ultimately bridging gaps and building stronger connections with your kid.

8. Encouraging kids to write

Writing can be challenging for kids due to various factors related to their cognitive, physical, and emotional development.

  1. Fine motor skills need polishing as it may still be developing in a child.
  2. Child is struggling with maintaining focus and concentration
  3. Fear of failure can be a significant obstacle to expressing themselves through writing.
  4. Sensory processing difficulties, such as sensitivity to touch or discomfort with certain textures, can impact a child’s willingness to engage in writing activities.
  5. If a writing task is not interesting or relevant to a child, they may lack motivation.
  6. If a child is still acquiring vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure, expressing thoughts in writing can be challenging.
  7. Children develop at different rates, and some may take more time to reach the developmental milestones associated with writing.

Addressing these challenges involves a combination of patience, encouragement, and tailored support. Creating a positive and supportive environment, offering engaging writing activities, and acknowledging small achievements can help children overcome these difficulties and develop a love for writing over time.

  1. Plan gross motor and fine motor skill activities
    • Gross motor – running, exercising etc.
    • Fine motor – using scissors, sorting pulses, drawing, painting etc.
  2. Set up a comfortable and dedicated writing space with necessary supplies like paper, pens, and notebooks.
  3. Ensure the writing area is well-lit and free from distractions.
  4. Offer a variety of writing tools, such as colored pens, markers, and different types of paper, to make the writing process more engaging.
  5. Encourage writing practice in sand/rice
  6. Using tracing books & boards
  7. Write together. Demonstrate your own enthusiasm for writing. Share your writing experiences and creations with your child.
  8. Encourage free drawing and painting.
  9. Create a family scrap book. Cutting, pasting, organizing needs fine motor skills.
  10. Try picture description writing. Incorporate elements of storytelling, drawing, or even acting to enhance the writing experience.
  11. Explore digital writing tools like touch screens on tabs, digital writing pads etc.
  12. Allow kids to choose topics that interest them.Read a book and write the review or suggest them to write about their own passions, dreams, goal.
  13. Introduce the concept of keeping a journal. Journaling allows kids to express themselves freely without worrying about structure or grammar.
  14. Acknowledge and celebrate their writing accomplishments, whether big or small.
  15. Make writing fun activity and don’t only focus on finishing homework

The key is to make writing a pleasurable and empowering activity. By incorporating creativity, support, and positive reinforcement, you can inspire kids to enjoy the process of writing.

9. Inculcating Faith in your kids

Inculcating faith in children involves fostering a sense of spirituality, moral values, and a connection to something greater than themselves.

  1. Demonstrate your own faith through your actions, values, and attitudes, serving as a positive role model for your children.
  2. Establish family rituals and traditions that involve religious or spiritual practices
  3. Introduce a routine of daily devotions or prayer, emphasizing theimportance of regular spiritual reflection and connection.
  4. Engage in age-appropriate discussions about religious texts, stories, and teachings, helping your children understand the principles of faith.
  5. Participate in community events or service projects organized by your community, reinforcing the importance of collective faith experiences.
  6. Teach your children the value of personal reflection and introspection, guiding them in moments of quiet contemplation and prayer.
  7. Celebrate religious holidays with enthusiasm and joy, emphasizing their significance and creating lasting memories associated with faith.
  8. Share your own experiences and stories with your children, helping them see the relevance and impact of faith in everyday life.

Providing a foundation of love, support, and open communication can help children develop a strong sense of faith and spirituality.

10. Positive Affirmations & Gratitude Journal

Positive affirmations and gratitude play a significant role in the well-being and development of children.

Positive affirmations help build your child’s self-esteem. It encourages positive mindset and cultivates optimism in kids. Affirmations also promote self-love and self-acceptance.

Gratitude helps us see all the good in our lives and not only appreciate what we have but also allow us to grow. It reminds us how lucky we are to have all the things we have and inculcates sense of responsibility.

  1. Explain to your kid what affirmations are and it’s importance
  2. Repeat positive affirmations in the morning and before bedtimelike I am Kind, I am Brave – can give them the list or they can have their own list
  3. Say thank you to higher power before bedtime for all the things they have like food, house, clothes, family, school even things like toys, t.v. etc. Basically letting kid take the lead
  4. Encourage diversity in gratitude expressions. Gratitude can be for people, experiences, nature, or even personal qualities.
  5. Keep a gratitude journal and thankful for the things they have on daily basis or the good/kind someone did to them like a friend shared their tiffin, teacher helped them navigate through big emotions during school.
  6. Build affirmation journal. Help your kid with 5 affirmations each week and write it in journal. Keep on adding to it.
  7. Have a gratitude jar where you and your kid puts in note of gratitude each day and at the end of the month/year, read them together.

Encouraging positive affirmations and gratitude in children can be done through simple daily practices, such as verbal affirmations, gratitude journals, or expressing thanks during family discussions. These habits contribute to a positive and resilient mindset that benefits children throughout their lives.

Everyone expects us to be a perfect parent but no one has ever taught us how to be a parent. We all have been using trial and error method by taking in advise from anyone and everyone. I have been there and realized that there is more to it.

I am Shambhavi Dhanvijay, a certified parent coach. I can help you navigate through ‘your’ challenges of parenthood offering you tailor made solutions for your family.

I help empower parents to build positive relationships with their children, create effective communication, and foster a healthy family environment.

Reach out to me for booking a free 20 min one-on-one session

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