As the year ends, we look back and cherish the memories and feel proud of the goals we achieved.
At the same time, we do feel guilty for the unmet goals. Isn’t it?
Thinking to do things differently this time and need a little push to achieve your goals in 2023?
The first step of accomplish the goal is to set an achievable and realistic goal. Revisit your goals and consider all the external factors that hold you back and how can you surpass them.
Achieving your goals is a process, sometimes a length and extensive one. It can take weeks, months or even years to complete. It depends on what you want to attain, how big or complex your goal is.
Break down such goals into smaller attainable goals so that the success can keep you motivated.
When, I, look back I find myself closer to my goals. Some are unmet for sure but I am taking small steps that keep me going and feel a little less guilty about my unmet goals as I know I am working towards them.
In this Post, You will Find
Here are the 3 Steps that can help you achieve the goals:
1. Invest in learning
Be it any goal, better painter, better cook, better parent, better life. We need to learn and gather the ‘right’ knowledge. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
This year, I invested in a Respected Parenting Courses as that is what I was trying to achieve but was hitting a roadblock due to insufficient knowledge. I attended this 8 weeks course and learning through different trusted resources. I know that this cannot be achieved overnight. I am taking one day at a time and I see the results as I implement my learnings.
2. Prioritize Yourself
We, women, especially mothers always put our needs and goals at the back burner and keep striving to fulfil other’s needs and desires. Little do we know that we cannot fill other’s cup if our cup is empty. The reason of being irritated and frustrated all the time is that you are trying to pour from an empty cup, which is taking a toll on you.
Carve out the time from your busy schedule and dedicate an hour each day to yourself to work towards that goal. Try to be as consistent as you can be. Find that peace and you will feel more connected with yourself and your family.
I spoke up when I needed some Me Time, became more observant of what I am eating and substituted with healthy options. I spent sometime taking care of myself and I am feeling more calm and composed. One step at a time
3. Take action
This is where most of us lag. We set a goal, we make the plan but we keep procrastinating when it comes to executing the plan. Was that a Yes Nod? Let’s change that and truly execute the plan that we have been making for a very long time.
Make a list of events/activities that has been hindering your action and resolve or remove them.
Enroll in that course that you were thinking of, cut off the junk from the grocery list, fill up your water bottle Today and not wait for Monday or 2nd Jan’23
Let’s keep the train going and not get caught up in the lame excuses that we give ourselves. Let’s attain those goals and taste the success, as it sure is addictive.
You have only one life. You live only once. Live the way you deserve it !
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are solely based on author’s experience. Please do not consider it as professional advice.