When we are preparing for baby’s arrival, all we can think of is “Baby-Stuff“. Their clothes, diapers, crib, soap, cream, powder etc. etc. etc. After referring to hundreds of websites for “Things to buy for New Moms”, we may add Maternity wear, feeding bras and breast pads to our list but what about beauty products?
If our body has changed, so has our skin. We tend to ignore this fact completely because we have better things to plan and care for, isn’t it?
Yes, yes, I was also one of those To-Be-Moms who was all set and ready with baby-stuff and maternity-stuff. Only after a couple of weeks I realized, what toll has this pregnancy and postpartum taken on my skin?
In fact, it was more of what my mother pointed out. “Your skin has become so pigmented, you have dark circles, you are always sweaty..”
My skin pigmentation started in last trimester of my pregnancy but then with the thought of “it is all part of being pregnant and will wear off once I deliver”, I ignored it. I was too busy enjoying my bump and pampering to notice all this 😛
Anyhow, the baby was out, and some weeks wore off, but my pigmentation did not. And then there were meek remarks by my mother on how I looked (rolling eyes). So, I turned to the Ultimate God of Knowledge – Google. After going through many articles and reviews, I finally discovered some products by which, now I live by.
- Pigmentation Cream: Production of extra melanin during pregnancy can cause patchy and darkened skin which is usually known as melasma. Though it is supposed to disappear after the delivery but in my case, it did not want to go away. So, after reading a lot of reviews and rigorous use of 9 months, I can safely say Natural Vita Rich Face Cream by themomsco has done wonders for me. I now have even skin tone on my face and on my neck.
- Under-Eye Cream: People say, “Sleep when the Baby sleeps”, but does it really work that way? All those sleepless nights due to screaming baby and the stress give you nothing but those dark circles around your eyes. I was already seeing results from themomsco pigmentation cream, so I thought of giving Natural Vita Rich Under Eye Cream a try and I am happy to say that it did not disappoint me.
- Underarms Roll-on: That extra melanin doesn’t leave even the armpits. I always had the same skin tone in my underarms as I hardly ever shaved (I guess). So, when they started darkening, I switched to NIVEA Deodorant Roll-on, Whitening Smooth Skin and now my underarms match my skin tone again.
- Talcum Powder: I hardly use talc as I don’t sweat much so I just had a small Ponds talc in my collection (for emergency purposes). But postpartum, I started sweating a lot and covering myself from head to toe (if you are an Indian mom, you will understand what I mean) didn’t help much. Plus, the spit up smell made me change my top for nth time in the day. Then POND’S Magic Freshness Talcum Powder came to my rescue. I prefer this as it has a mild smell which is long lasting, and it doesn’t irritate baby’s nostril like deodorants.
- Stretch Marks Oil: I started using stretch marks cream and oil since my 2nd trimester as my -Gynec suggested. I could see a difference while using Bio-oil. My existing stretch marks started fading. So, it was another product added in my daily beauty regime. I had an exceptionally large bump which gave me extra stretch marks. I had stopped using Bio-oil post-delivery, but my gynec suggested to continue using it. It doesn’t really make the stretch marks disappear, but it does helps in fading them soon.
I love these products as they are pocket friendly and give results.
Let me know if you have any New-mom beauty products which you swear by.
Also, give a shout out if you have used any of these products and loved them.
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are solely based on author’s experience. Please do not consider it as professional advice.