After listening to Millennial’s mixed experience to unexpected pregnancy, I turned to Generation X to know how it was in their time.
For many, though they did not plan, it wasn’t something unexpected. It was anticipated to have a pregnancy in the first year of marriage. For some, the next child was unexpected, but it didn’t impact their lives much as they said, they were born to be Mothers.
It was one story that stood out where the young girl who was married at an early age was passionate about her studies and she got all the necessary support but then she came to know about her unexpected pregnancy.
Miss Nita became Mrs. Nita in 1987 at a young age of 20 years. Mrs. Nita was pursuing BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) and was yet to complete her first year when she was married. As the families knew each other from a long time and were close, her father agreed to give her away as her in-laws promised to continue her education.
Mrs. Nita had her hands full with 10-5 college routine and the household chores. One day, while performing a dissection in the lab, she felt a little dizzy. She sat down for a while, had some water and was back on her feet. She almost ignored this as a result of scorching heat, given that she cycled for 5 Kms in the month of June. But some of her well-informed friends advised her to visit a gynaecologist as it was more than 45 days since her last period. Once home, she mentioned it to her husband, he told her to visit a doctor along with his mother.
The test came back positive. She didn’t want the baby, as yet. She wanted to complete her education. She was having seconds thoughts about the baby and finally decided to abort it. It was too much of commitment for her at this age.
When she consulted the gynaec, she advised her to keep the baby as it’s her first child. Doctor assured her that she can continue with her education along with the pregnancy.
Though her husband had left the decision on her, he was happy when she didn’t abort the baby.
After 1st trimester, her husband got her Luna moped, to make her daily commute easier. It wasn’t easy but she didn’t find it impossible to continue with her education with the little bun in her oven.
When she was in her 6th month of pregnancy, they had to move to another city due to work commitments. She travelled 18 kms on the Luna with 6 months belly for her finals of the current year.
As they didn’t get a chance to go for a honeymoon, they decided to take babymoon post her exams. They had a memorable trip as they explored Bombay, Goa and Kolhapur.
When they were back, everyone was concerned as they had promised to visit Bombay only (Those adventurous Love Birds 😜). Remaining two months were uneventful for them and she went to her mother’s place for delivery when she entered 9th month of pregnancy
After carrying for 9th months and 11 days, she gave birth to a baby boy who was healthy as a horse. The family was beaming with joy. Her father thrilled to see a boy in their family after his 5 daughters. He celebrated by giving out sweets to his entire society.
Mrs. Nita say, “Though I was young and was doubtful about having the baby at that time and we didn’t enjoy the journey from being a couple to parents. I don’t have any regret. I enjoyed my pregnancy to the fullest. I was happy that my baby was healthy, and I didn’t require any medical treatment or procedure during my pregnancy. I guess that was the perk of being so young.“
Mrs. Nita pursued her remaining 4 years of education and a year of Internship after the baby. Though she had to give up her career after she was pregnant with second child, she is happy to have raised two amazing boys.
In case you are wondering, this entire journey has been penned down only from her perspective. It is because, in that era, men were not really involved in pregnancy and most times, parenting was also a ‘Woman’s Job‘.
After these wonderful ‘accidental parents‘ poured their hearts to me, I knew “They may not have gone where they intended to, but they have ended up where they needed to be.”