Take it easy Girl!

Being homebound for close to three months, has started taking a toll on us. Though the numbers are not decreasing, our endurance level is. There is hardly any ‘me’ time, there is always a sink full of dishes, no matter how many times we clean the mess; there is more.

Given that it is still uncertain when we will get back to our normal lives, we should start embracing the new normal and Take It Easy!!

For that we, especially mothers, should definitely take a chill pill, at times.

  • It’s okay to cook a brunch and a dinner instead of cooking 4 meals a day.
  • It’s okay to share the load without feeling guilty.
  • It’s okay to skip the laundry for a day or two.
  • It’s okay to say ‘NO’ to never ending requests of making snacks.
  • Some days are good, some days are bad, and some days are just worst. It’s okay to be a mess at times and loose it once in a while.
  • It’s okay to breathe at times and relieve yourself from the daily duties for a while.
  • You need not to be a perfect mother. You are a mom , who is always there and that is what matters the most.

Mommies, we need to learn to be ‘not so hard’ on ourselves. We might be exhausted physically but we can’t lose it mentally. We have got this. This long dark night will end, and the sun will rise again, and we will be ready to welcome that day with our open arms.

Till then- Take It Easy Girl!!
Thank You all the mommies for everything you are doing, for holding it together amidst this chaos. This too shall pass!

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