5 Mistakes to avoid while travelling with kids

Travel is an amazing experience for children of all ages: there’s new foods, learnings, sights and experiences, not to mention quality family time.

If you are a new parent, travelling with kids may seem impossible and many parents avoid travelling with kids under 5 years. The truth is actually it is easier to travel with an infant than a toddler.

You may think that travelling with a kid is a task as you need to be prepared for every situation.

But that really isn’t true , no amount of preparation is enough because you won’t know what mood they are in or what they want next.

Mistakes to avoid while Travelling with Kids

However, there are certain things that we have picked up along the way learning from our travel experience.

Here are the 5 mistakes you can avoid while travelling with kids for a smoother trip.

1. Overpacking or Underpacking

You don’t want to be carrying everything as you may think you need it all but you really don’t. But at the same time you don’t want to rush to store for everything you forgot. Check out the “Ultimate Diaper Bag Checklist” to know what all to pack, whether you are travelling with an infant or a toddler. Need more help for every situation that a mother can be and be as prepared as one can be? Get this “Mom’s Book of Checklists” book which is a life-saver for each mother.

2. Not checking Weather Updates

Travelling within the country or outside, it is always best to check the weather prediction during your stay. Even if you are travelling within the same state, weather conditions may be different. Save yourself from unpredictable weather and pack accordingly. It might be sunny in your city but may be raining in another.

3. Having a Tight Schedule

Trying to cover too much in little time is one of the biggest mistake that parents make, while travelling with kids. Plan a flexible itinerary. You and your kid should have time for breather, especially when you are travelling with a toddler. Having backup plan and a list of kid friendly places saves the day. 

4. Not Prepping the Kid  

If you are planning a long trip, make sure you take shorter trips with baby beforehand to make him familiar with the concept of travelling. Talk to your toddler about the place you will visit in advance and prepare him mentally. You can talk about all the new things he will experience so that it isn’t overwhelming for him. Kids like predictability.

5. Fussing over the routine

Both you and your baby are on vacation so enjoy like it. Travelling and surroundings may cause a disruption in your kid’s routine but fussing about it will make things more difficult. As long as your kid is fed, well slept and having a good time, it is all good. Just go with the flow.

Travelling with kids may look like too much work but trust me the memories you make and the exposure your kids get are worth the trouble.

Be it a weekend getaway or a long vacation, travelling unravels a whole new person in both you and your kids. If you have been dreading about travelling with kids, it is time to let go of that fear and make new memories with your family.

Don’t miss out on the important tips here that I swear by – be it travelling with Plane, Train or by Road.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are solely based on author’s experience. Please do not consider it as professional advice.

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