10 Things Not To Do While Trying To Discipline Your Toddler

10 Things Not To Do While Trying To Discipline Your Toddler

As a parent, you must have the right strategies to discipline your toddler. Though discipline can be difficult and sometimes frustrating, it can also be a rewarding experience. However, there are many things that you should not do while disciplining your child, as these will only backfire and make the situation worse.

We always want something good for our children, but we can’t resolve it to the extent that we want. There are some dos and don’ts which you need to keep in mind when you’re attempting to discipline a toddler. 

So what exactly should you do? Check out the list below to understand what steps you should not take while disciplining your toddler.

1. Don’t Yell at Them (It Only Makes Them More Stubborn)

This will not achieve anything when you discipline your toddler. Rather, it only makes them more stubborn, and it only makes them enjoy the act of defiance and rebelliousness against you.

Yelling at your toddler is counterproductive—they’re still learning how to communicate, and you’re only making a bad situation worse. When you shout, they’ll just get scared and stop listening. If you want to discipline your toddler, try speaking calmly instead of raising the volume. 

2. Avoid Physical Punishment

Physical punishment is never the right way to discipline a child. It can lead to more aggressive behavior and a lack of respect for authority figures. Instead, try using positive reinforcement when your toddler misbehaves. For starters, make sure your punishment is age-appropriate.

Additionally, physical punishment is ineffective and can leave your toddler feeling scared and confused about their relationship with you. Rather than spanking or hitting your toddler, try other discipline techniques like time-outs, taking away toys or privileges, and removing yourself from the situation.

3. Don’t Reward Bad Behavior

Negative reinforcement will only make things worse for your toddler, so never reward bad behavior by giving them attention or taking them to a fun place to distract them. Instead, follow the rules and set clear standards for your child, and help them learn how to behave properly. 

4. Don’t Give In To Their Demands

There’s a difference between listening to your toddler and always giving in to their demands. If you give in every time they throw a fit, they’ll learn that this is an effective way to get what they want. If your toddler throws a tantrum, don’t give them attention—instead, validate their feelings and be there for them emotionally.

Convey the message that all behavior that does not follow house rules and standards will not be tolerated. This will help a lot when you discipline your toddler.

5. Don’t Punish A Child Every Time They Do Something Wrong

You might be tempted to punish your toddler every time they misbehave, but it’s important to remember that toddlers are still learning to behave and need time to make mistakes. If you punish them every time they do something wrong, they’ll become afraid of making mistakes—and the world will seem like a very scary place to them! So instead of always punishing your toddler when they misbehave, try to focus on teaching them new ways of behaving.

6. Do Not Use Fear As a Motivation

You might have the best intentions of motivating your toddler to behave better by using fear as a motivator. However, this can backfire and cause more harm than good. When you threaten your child with punishment, they may begin to fear you instead of respecting you.

Discipline is essential for children because it teaches them how to behave in different situations. But if you use fear as a motivator, it will only leave them feeling scared and helpless instead of empowered and confident about their ability to make good choices.

7. Don’t Use Time Out As the Only Approach

You might think that time out is one of the most effective ways of disciplining a child. However, if you only use it as an approach, your toddler may learn how to manipulate your rules. Instead, try giving your child a warning first, then give them a chance to correct their behavior before using time out as a punishment.

One warning followed by a “time out” or losing privileges could be the best strategy. Keep in mind that your toddler is still learning and growing, and they may not understand the consequence of their actions right away. Because of this, you could break the situation down into smaller steps to help them learn what they did wrong, so they can try to avoid it next time.

8. Don’t Punish a Child in Anger

When disciplining your toddler, it’s important to be level-headed. If you’re punishing a child in anger, you may end up harming or hurting your child instead of correcting them for bad behavior.

If you feel like you’re losing control of your temper while disciplining your toddler, stop what you’re doing and take a break before continuing with handling the situation.

9. Don’t Use Bribery or Exploitation

Bribery and exploitation are not effective ways to discipline your toddler. If you’re trying to get your child to stop doing something bad by offering them a reward, you’re not teaching them the value of doing good things just because they’re the right thing to do.

Instead, explain to them why a certain behavior is not appropriate—and if they make the correct choice, praise them and encourage them to continue acting in the same manner.

10. Don’t Enforce Rules and Standards Too Late

Try to discipline your toddler in simple, age-appropriate ways as soon as you notice their negative behavior instead of waiting until they do something more serious or destructive. It may seem like you’re rushing things, but it will help prevent your toddler from getting into even more trouble.

Setting clear rules and standards for your child early on will help them learn how to make better choices in the future, which will help to build their confidence.


When it comes time to discipline your toddler, you don’t have to be mean or harsh. Instead, you can use simple and age-appropriate techniques that will help teach them how to behave so that they are on the right path in life.

Author Bio

Andrea is currently the head of content management at SpringHive Web Design Company. This digital agency provides creative web design, social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization services to small businesses and entrepreneurs. She is also a blog contributor at Baby Steps Preschool, writing storytime themes, parenting tips, and seasonal activities to entertain children.

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