What Parenting Means

Shared by : Swapna Rao

Parenting, motherhood, toddler mom, new mom – all of these used to feel alien until 2019. I never wanted kids. 

I always felt I will be a terrible mom. A party girl, strong-headed, career-focused, didn’t care attitude, kya he baccha sambhalegi?

But when Prahan happened, everything changed. 

It’s not like I was super attached to him from the moment he was born.

To be frank, I was clueless, I wanted someone else to take care of him, and was always worried about what if, I hurt him.

That’s how my parenting journey started – with fears.

Constantly wanted to prove that I am capable of raising my child. And, always in a fear of what if I am doing it all wrong.

One day, my husband told me, “Only a happy mom can raise a happy child.”

Since then that has been my mantra. We don’t have any parenting rules. We just follow the child.

We believe even a young child is an individual and we should respect him.

Respect, Space, and Individuality are the foundation of our marriage and now of our parenting.

We don’t aim for Prahan to be a master of all, excel in everything, meet all his milestones on time.

 All we aim for, is to let him experience, enjoy and explore.

Swapna is one of those people with whom I immediately ‘clicked’ even though we have never met.
We used to chat for hours while breastfeeding our bub, then our babies grew up to be toddlers and we hardly find time to have ‘the chat’.

I first talked to her when she shared her PPD Story and how she was able to beat it with the help of acupuncture. And then there was no looking back.

I love her parenting style, the way she is raising a book lover and an independent child. Her jhatpat recipes are a hit with toddlers and are healthy too. A cloth diaper mamma following montessari inspired approach for her child.

Ohh.. and don’t forget to checkout her Instagram page my_lil_prahan and those new video series and Shelfie posts..❤️

P.S. This is a leaf from Parenting Series Chapter where I am inviting Parents to share their views on Parenting and #BuildOurParentingStyle

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are solely based on author’s experience. Please do not consider it as professional advice.

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